
Prof. Billinge has more than 25 years of experience developing and applying techniques to study local structure in materials using x-ray, neutron and electron diffraction including the development of novel data analysis methods including graph theoretic, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning approaches. He earned his Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Pennsylvania in 1992. After 13 years as a faculty member at Michigan State University, in 2008 he took up his current position as Professor of Materials Science and Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University and Physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Prof. Billinge has published more than 300 papers in scholarly journals. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the Neutron Scattering Society of America, a former Fulbright and Sloan fellow and has earned a number of awards including the 2018 Warren Award of the American Crystallographic Association and being honored in 2011 for contributions to the nation as an immigrant by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the 2010 J. D. Hanawalt Award of the International Center for Diffraction Data, University Distinguished Faculty award at Michigan State, the Thomas H. Osgood Undergraduate Teaching Award. He is Section Editor of Acta Crystallographica Section A: Advances and Foundations. He regularly chairs and participates in reviews of major facilities and federally funded programs.
Flack Lecturer of the Swiss Society for Crystallography
2023Distinguished Powder Diffractionist Prize of the European Powder Diffraction Conference
2022Warren Award of the American Crystallographic Association
2018University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Pharmacy, Busse Lecturer
2018Texas A&M Clearfield Endowed Lecturer
2015Fellow of the Neutron Scattering Society of America
2014Neutron Scattering Society of America Service Award for outstanding service
2012Editor of Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
2012Fulbright Research Scholar
2011Carnegie Foundation of New York honored as one of 24 Outstanding Immigrants
2011Co-editor of Journal Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
2011J. D. Hanawalt Award of the International Center for Diffraction Data
2010University Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan State University
2007Fellow, American Physical Society
2006Michigan State University, College of Natural Science, Distinguished Faculty Award
2006Thomas H. Osgood Undergraduate Teaching Award
1998Alfred P. Sloan research fellowship
1995Sigma Xi Outstanding thesis award, U. Pennsylvania
1992Electro-science Laboratories Award, U. Pennsylvania
1992Education & Employment
Columbia University
New York, NY, 2008 - present- Full title: Professor of Materials Science and of Applied Physics and of Applied Mathematics
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY, 2008 - presentInstitut Laue Langevin
Visiting Scientist
Grenoble, France, 2012 - 2012European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Visiting Scientist
Grenoble, France, 2011 - 2012Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, 2003 - 2007Michigan State University
Associate Professor
East Lansing, MI, 1999 - 2003University of Rome, `La Sapienza'
Visiting Professor
Rome, Italy, 2001 - 2002Michigan State University
Assistant Professor
East Lansing, MI, 1994 - 1999Los Alamos National Laboratory
Director's Post-doctoral research fellow
Los Alamos, NM, 1992 - 1994- Advisor: George Kwei
University of Pennsylvania
PhD in Materials Science and Engineering
Philadelphia, PA, 1987 - 1992- Advisors: Takeshi Egami and Peter Davies
- Disseration: Local atomic structure and superconducivity of Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4-y}$: a pair distribution function study
Oxford University
BA in Metallurgy and Materials Science
Oxford, UK, 1982 - 1986- Disseration: Development of a novel ultra-high strength alloy steel for wire and cable
Member of the Neutron Advisory Board (NAB) to the Neutron Sciences Directorate (NScD) or Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 2024Section Editor of Journal Acta Crystallographica Section A: Advances and Foundations of Crystallography
12 2024Member of the review committee of the D4 diffractometer at the Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
9 2024Member of the review committee Neutron Initiative of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program
9 2024Member of the Initiative Review Committee (IRC) for the Neutron Data Interpretation Platform Ecosystem initiative at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
7 2024Member of the Future Leaders–African Independent Research (FLAIR) panel of the African Academy of Sciences panel.
12 2023External examiner for the PhD thesis of Shuyan Zhang, co-advised by Dr. Alan McGaughey and Dr. B. Reeja Jayan in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University
11 2023Co-organizer with Prof Sossina Haile (Northwestern) and Tom Mallouk (Penn State) of the fourth 2-week JUAMI Materials for Sustainable Development workshop in Nairobi, Kenya
6 2023Proposal review panel for the Linear Coherent Light Source
6 2022PhD thesis committed for Mr Jonathan Karp,
6 2022PhD thesis reviewer for Ms Anna Vivani, candidate for PhD in the Chemical and Environmental Sciences School at the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
5 2022Member of the National Academy of Sciences panel reviewing the operations of the National Center for Neutron Research at NIST
12 2021Member of the Hanawalt Award committee of the International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD)
12 2021Office of Science (SC) Supply Chain Roundtable. Committee to study the problem of supply chain risks for scientific facilities and tools, and to suggest solutions
11 2021External examiner for PhD thesis defense of Nasim Farahmand from the Department of Chemistry at City College
9 2021PhD thesis committee, Mel Abler
8 2021Chair of the Second Target Station Instrument Review Committee of the DOE-funded Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
8 2021Group diversity and inclusion effort CODER (the committee on diversity and equity in research).
6 2021Organizing committee of the meeting "Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering.", held at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
4 2021Reviewer for the Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation solicitation (CSSI) program, NSF.
2 2021member of the scientific expert team for the Petra IV synchrotron development project, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
1 2021Chaired the 2021 Prize Committee of the Warren Award of the American Crystallographic Association
1 2021Proposal review panel for the Linear Coherent Light Source
12 2020Co-organizer of the Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Materials Science track of the Machine Learning in Science & Engineering conference at Columbia University, New York, Dec 14 - 15, 2020
12 2020External examiner for Masters Diploma Thesis for Mr. Sani Harouna-Mayer, University of Hamburg, Germany
11 2020Chair, National Science Foundation (NSF) oversight virtual site visit review team of the Center for High Energy X-ray Science (CHEXS) at the Cornell High Energy X-ray Source (CHESS)
10 2020Review of the SNS & HFIR Data Analysis Plan
9 2020Organizer, Microsymposium on Disordered materials: spectroscopic and scattering techniques at the 25th General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Prague, Czech Republic, August 22-29th 2020
8 2020External evaluation of Anthony Phillips for promotion to Reader at Queen Mary University London
7 2020Member of the International review committee of the Mantid neutron data analysis software project
5 2020External Thesis examiner, Nathan Nakamura, Carnegie Mellon University Department of Chemical Engineering
4 2020Organized a symposium at the 2020 American Physical Society March Meeting entitled "Emergent local symmetry breaking in transition metal compounds due to orbital degeneracy lifting (ODL)"
3 2020CCQ: Machine Learning Quantum Matter Data Workshop, Flatiron Institute New York, NY
1 2020Organizer of a one-day JUAMI symposium on materials for sustainable energy at the 2019 African MRS meeting in Arusha, Tanzania.
12 2019Member of the Italian Association of Crystallography, Commission for the Mammi Prize
12 2019Italian Association of Crystallography commission for the Mammi Prize
12 2019NSF proposal review panel, SSMC CAREER Inorganics
10 2019Review of the Data Reduction Handling and Analysis at the instruments suite at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)" at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
7 2019Mentor for week-long NSF Harnessing the Data Revolution Ideas Lab workshop
5 2019Labs organized by NSF to put together groups of people who can work together to solve big problems.
National Academy of Science Panel on the Review of the Center for Neutron Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
12 2018National Academy of Sciences Panel on the Review of the Center for Neutron Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
12 2018Co-organizer with Prof Sossina Haile (Northwestern) and Tom Mallouk (Penn State) of the third 2-week JUAMI Materials for Sustainable Development workshop in Kampala, Uganda
6 2018Member of the External Advisory Board for NSF Science and Technology Center (STROBE) at U. Colorado
1 2018Review panel for CHRNS at the NCNR at NIST
4 2017Committee to review NSF funded CHRNS program at NIST neutron reactor
4 2017Data Acquisition, Management and Analysis (DAMA) review panel, at NSLS-II, BNL
3 2017Data Acquisition, Management and Analysis (DAMA) group at NSLS-II
3 2017Member, Artificial intelligence task force of the Materials Research Society
1 2017Artificial intelligence task force of the Materials Research Society
1 2017DISCOVER instrument advisory committee, Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1 2017Joint US/Africa Materials Initiative Materials (JUAMI) Research School, Arusha, Tanzania
12 2016User Working Group, XPDF beamline construction project, Diamond Light Source, UK
12 2016Powder Diffraction Beamline Review Panel, Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
8 2016Lead of the crosscutting panel on In situ characterization at the DOE-BES workshop on Basic Research Needs for Synthesis Science for Energy Relevant Technology, May 2-4, 2016
5 2016Advisory Committee, MICCoM (, computational materials science center Argonne National Laboratory
1 2016Chair, Materials Special Interest Group of the American Crystallographic Association
12 2015Triannual Review of Photon Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 2015Chair of the NSLS-II Powder Instrument Next Generation (PING) collaboration beamline advisory team
12 2015For the powder diffraction and PDF beamlines that will be constructed as part of the construction project for NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Symposium ``Powder Pair Distribution Function and Pharmaceuticals” at ACA annual meeting, Philadelphia
7 2015Member, Steering committee of the African Light Source
1 2015Steering committee of the African Light Source
1 2015Developed online peer-instruction platform for use in flipped classrooms
12 2014Chair, XPD beamline project Beamline Advisory Team (BAT), National Synchrotron Light Source II, Brookhaven National Laboratory
12 2014Chair, microsymposium on total pattern fitting, Accuracy in Powder Diffraction Conference, NIST
12 2013Chair of the J.D. Hanawalt Prize selection committee of the ICDD
12 2013JUAMI symposium at the African-MRS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
12 2013Review Panel for the ANL Director’s Grand Challenge in “Big Data”
12 2013Advisory board member of the Materials Research Institute, Queen Mary’s College, London
12 2013NSF Focus group for Science and Engineering Gateways
12 2013Program committee of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Edinburgh
12 2013Developed online research portal for JUAMI researchers
12 2013Chair Advanced Analysis of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Data: Getting from data to science Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory
7 2013Chair of the Joint US/Africa Materials Initiative Materials (JUAMI) Research School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
12 2012Joint US/Africa Materials Initiative Materials Research (JUAMI) School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
12 2012NSLS and NSLS-II user’s executive committee
12 2012Visiting Committee, Energy Recovery Linac Project, Cornell University
12 2012DOE-BES review committee of Neutron Scattering Science Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 2012Co-Chair of ZING 2012 Nanoscience Conference
2 2012Co-Organizer of a series of East African Materials Science Schools, JUAMI
1 2012Chair of the microsymposium SAXS/SANS, total scattering and the nanostructure problem at the XXII congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Madrid, Spain
12 2011Advisory Committee for the Expansion Initiative of the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), NIST
12 2011Chair of the symposium Amorphous, Activated and Nanomaterials at the 10th Annual Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium (PPXRD), Lyon, France
5 2011Co-Chair, 2011 NSLS/CFN Joint Users' Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory
5 2011Journal Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
1 2011International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Communication, Computational skills and Nanotechnology, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra State, India
1 2011Conference Chair of the American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Ottawa
12 2010PDF beamline development team at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) beam-port X17A.
12 2010The development of a PDF beamline development at NSLS.
Executive Committee of the International Commission on Powder Diffraction of the Union of Crystallography
12 2010Neutron Scattering Society of America
12 2010Science Advisory Committee to the NSF funded PROMSE project to improve math and science eduction in the K-12 sector
12 2010Symposium “Nanoscale Materials Diffraction” at the NSLS/CFN users meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory
5 2010DOE-BES review committee of Neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 2009DOEANL Heavy Element Separation Site Review, Argonne, IL
11 2009NSF-DMR review of the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering (CHRNS) at NIST
9 2009Conference Chair of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Knoxville, NM
5 2009Midwest Universities Collaborative Access Team (CAT)
12 2008Collaboration to build and operate an x-ray beamline at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory for local structure studies of complex materials (see DOE-BES grant above). I am lead Co-PI with Prof. Alan Goldman on this project. The hutches and upstream beam transport components are in place. The optics and beam-line components are ordered and detailed designs are in place. The objective is to make a beamline that is stable and easy to use for high-resolution PDF studies. Two ID beamlines and three experimental stations are already built and operated by the CAT, that includes researchers from 8 Universities, for surface studies under high vacuum conditions, magnetic scattering and high energy diffraction
ISIS facility access panel
12 2008Conference Chair of the American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Santa Fe, NM
5 2008Workshop Beyond crystallography: Structure of nanostructured materials, Tempe, AZ
5 2008Member, NSF-DMR steering committee on Cyber-Infrastructure for the Materials Sciences
12 2007Executive Committee of the Advanced Photon Source Users Organization
12 2007Continuing Education Committee of the American Crystallographic Association
12 2007NSF steering committee on Cyber-Infrastructure for the materials sciences
12 2007NSLS beamtime proposal review panel
12 2007Curriculum development for an AP course in nanotechnology at Everett High school in Lansing, MI
12 2007Symposium, `Under the Bonnet' Powder Diffraction Software Workshop, European Powder Diffraction Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
9 2006Conference chair, American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Chicago, IL
6 2006Workshop participant, Cyber Infrastructure for Materials Science, NSF supported workshop to identify CI needs for the materials science community, Washington DC
5 2006Executive committee of the Neutron Scattering Society of America
12 2005NSF-MRI-IMR review panel
12 2004NSF-CHRNS program review committee
12 2004Conference, ``Structure of Nanocrystals”, Tempe, AZ
12 2004Workshop, "Local Atomic Structure Using Neutron Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis" at the American Conference on Neutron Scattering”, College Park, MD
6 2004NSLS beamline review committee (with Eric Isaacs (chair), and J.D. Jorgensen)
1 2004Symposium, “B. E. Warren Award Symposium” at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Cincinnati
7 2003Workshop, ``Real-space Pair Distribution Function Methods" at the meeting ``Neutrons In solid state Chemistry and the Earth Sciences Today and tomorrow (NICEST)”, Oak Ridge, TN
3 2003High-intensity, high-Q, high-resolution powder diffraction (H3PD) instrument for the LANSCE beamline
12 2002to build a neutron powder diffractometer at Los Alamos for materials science and the study of complex materials using Rietveld and PDF methods (see NSF instrumentation grant, above). Diffractometer is now called NPDF and was constructed on time and under budget. It has entered the Manuel Lujan, jr., Neutron Scattering Center user program. It is currently the highest resolution and highest data-rate (5-times faster than SEPD at IPNS) powder diffractometer at a spallation source in the US.
Chair, Neutron scattering Special Interest Group, American Crystallographic Association
8 2002Symposia, ``Impact of Scattering on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” and ``From Structures to Materials Science”, at the annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, San Antonio, TX
5 2002Conference organizer, From Semiconductors to Proteins: beyond the average structure, Traverse City, MI.
8 2001Workshop, Real-space Pair Distribution Function Methods, at the annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association 2001, Los Angeles
7 2001Workshop on PDF on the nanoscale, ESRF, Grenoble, France
8 1999Symposium, “Microstructure and Texture of Real Materials", at the XVIIIth International Union of Crystrystallography congress and General Assembly, Glasgow, Scotland
8 1999Conference organizer, Local Structure from Diffraction, Traverse City, MI, July 1998.
12 1998Workshop, Local Structure from Diffraction, Traverse City, MI, July 1998.
1 1998Symposium Electronic Oxides: Properties and Applications, CFMR spring symposium , Michigan State University
12 1997Collaboration to build a wide angle capability for the high-resolution chopper spectrometer PHAROS at Los Alamos
12 1997This project was funded and the Pharos uprade has been carried out at LANSCE.

Collaboration to build research ties between PhD materials science researchers in East Africa, the US, and beyond.
- Lead Developer: 2019 - present
- Developer: 2019 - present
- Developer: 2019 - present
- Developer: 2019 - present
- Developer: 2019 - present
- PI: 2010 - present
CODER, the committee on diversity and equity in research, is a Billinge group initiative. The committee currently has a mission to increase inclusivity in the research group with a longer term goal of increasing the racial, ethnic and gender diversity of the group. Committee members present a discussion segment on these issues to be had by the whole group every two weeks during group meeting, and also lead other social efforts in the group such as group movie nights and a stress-reducing intentional breathing segment during group meeting every week.- gra: 2021 - 2022
- gra: 2022 - present
- gra: 2021 - 2022
- gra: 2022 - present
- gra: 2021 - 2022
- gra: 2022 - present
- Mentor: 2021 - present
- postdoc: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - 2021
- ug: 2021 - 2021
- gra: 2021 - present
- Mentor: 2021 - present
- postdoc: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - 2021
- ug: 2021 - 2021
- gra: 2021 - present
- Mentor: 2021 - present
- postdoc: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - 2021
- ug: 2021 - 2021
- gra: 2021 - present
- Mentor: 2021 - present
- postdoc: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - present
- gra: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - present
- ug: 2021 - present
software for modeling nanostructures principally from atomic pair distribution function (PDF) data.- developer: 2018 - present
- developer: 2017 - present
- Mentor and developer: 2005 - present
- lead developer: 2005 - present
Advancing applied mathematics and computational approaches to the study of the nanostructure of materials- gra: 2017 - 2018
- gra: 2017 - 2018
- gra: 2017 - 2018
- gra: 2018 - 2018
- gra: 2018 - 2018
- gra: 2015 - 2017
- postdoc: 2017 - present
- gra: 2017 - 2017
- PI: 2015 - present
- co-pi: 2015 - present
- co-pi: 2015 - present
We recently identified that intrinsic orbital degeneracy lifting can result in broken symmetry states existing in d-electron materials at high temperatures. The group of A. Zunger, Co-PI on this project, recently independently found that standard density functional theory quantum mechanical calculations can sometimes predict symmetry broken ground-states in materials where the most stable structure is lower in energy, and in symmetry, than the observed crystal structure. This project is to try and gain insight into this novel phenomenon through a combined mathematics, AI, theory, and experimental campaign.- PI: 2019 - present
- co-pi: 2019 - present
- co-pi: 2019 - present
- co-pi: 2019 - present
Apply AI and machine learning to get better gas separation membranes- gra: 2017 - 2019
- gra: 2017 - 2019
- gra: 2017 - 2018
- Co-PI: 2017 - present
- pi: 2017 - present
- gra: 2017 - 2017
A group project led from Stony Brook University. Columbia is a major partner with myself leading one of the thrusts. The goal is to use in-situ synthesis and data analytics to try and understand the science behind materials synthesis- gra: 2018 - 2020
- postdoc: 2019 - present
- gra: 2018 - 2019
- gra: 2018 - 2019
- postdoc: 2019 - present
- Co-PI: 2018 - present
- pi: 2018 - present
Searching for local structural effects in strongly correlated electron materials using x-ray and neutron scattering- postdoc: 2018 - present
- co-pi: 2017 - present
- PI: 2008 - present
This project will build a one-semester accelerated course in machine learning (ML) applied to STEM research problems for graduate and senior undergraduate level students in physical science and engineering. Whilst data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have revolutionized many aspects of life from commerce to politics and human interactivity, its impacts in the physical sciences have been slower. This is now rapidly changing, with disruptive use of AI and ML to attack research problems that seemed unreachable just a few years ago. There is a strong hunger among physical science and engineering students to attain new research skills enabled by ML and to apply them to problems in their domain. The current training for this cohort of students includes extensive training in calculus, differential equations, a bit of linear algebra, rudimentary statistics and nothing in the way of ML. The students often have an aptitude and some training in basic programming. Our goal with this project is to design a course that will build on the solid math skills of this group to accelerate their understanding and ability to adopt ML in their work. The course will build on this existing knowledge by combining a highly compressed introduction to ML taught by the Statistics department, but with a focus on newly developed hands-on projects (that we call Labs) where real (published) problems that apply different ML methods to materials science problems. The Labs will be developed using the Google Colab platform and use the actual datasets from the published examples. The developments will be made following strict standards for coding and documentation and maintained in a central GitHub repository. As such, it will form a platform that will allow further Labs to be developed in the aread of Materials Science but also more broadly. Indeed, this can turn into a widely used community resource that is under continuous development using standard open-source community development practices.- PI: 2022 - present
- Co-PI: 2022 - present
- Co-PI: 2022 - present
Study of nanoparticle assemblies and superatom systems- co-pi: 2015 - 2019
- co-pi: 2014 - 2019
- pi: 2014 - 2019
- co-pi: 2014 - 2019
- co-pi: 2014 - 2019
- gra: 2019 - 2019
- gra: 2019 - 2019
- gra: 2018 - 2018
- gra: 2017 - 2018
- gra: 2018 - 2018
- gra: 2017 - 2018
- gra: 2017 - 2017
- gra: 2017 - 2017
- co-pi: 2015 - present
- co-pi: 2014 - present
- pi: 2014 - present
- co-pi: 2014 - present
- co-pi: 2014 - present

Outreach project to develop an affordable potentiostat based on the arduino platform, and hands-on workshops to train users in East Africa to use it.
- mentor: 2019 - present
- developer: 2019 - present
- developer: 2019 - present
- lead developer: 2019 - present
- Andy S. Anker, Emil T. S. Kjær, Mikkel Juelsholt, Troels Lindahl Christiansen, Susanne Linn Skjærvø, Mads Ry Vogel Jørgensen, Innokenty Kantor, Daniel Risskov Sørensen, Simon J. L. Billinge, Raghavendra Selvan, and Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen. "Extracting Structural Motifs from Pair Distribution Function Data of Nanostructures using Interpretable Machine Learning". tbd . Tbd 2022 download doi
- Emil T. S. Kjær, Olivia Aalling-Frederiksen, Long Yang, Nancy K. Thomas, Mikkel Juelsholt, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen. "In situ studies of the formation of tungsten and niobium oxide nanoparticles: Towards automated analysis of reaction pathways from PDF analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient". Chemistry Methods . Tbd 2022 download doi
- Emil T. S. Kjær, Andy S. Anker, Marcus N. Weng, Simon J. L. Billinge, Raghavendra Selvan, and Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen. "DeepStruc: Towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models". Nature Communications . Tbd 2022 download doi
- Maxwell W. Terban, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Structural analysis of molecular materials using the pair distribution function". Chem. Rev. . 122 p. 1208–1272 Nov 2022 download doi
- Yevgeny Rakita, James L. Hart, Partha Pratim Das, Daniel L. Foley, Stavros Nicolopoulos, Sina Shahrezaei, Suveen Nigel Mathaudhu, Mitra L. Taheri, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Studying Heterogeneities in Local Nanostructure with Scanning Nanostructure Electron Microscopy (SNEM)". arxiv . 2110.03589 Oct 2022 download doi
- Benjamin A. Frandsen, Parker K. Hamilton, Jacob A. Christensen, Eric Stubbena, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "DIFFPY.MPDF: Open-source software for magnetic pair distribution function analysis". J. Appl. Crystallography . Sep 2022 download doi
- Sani Y. Harouna-Mayer, Songsheng Tao, ZiZhou Gong, Ann-Christin Dippel, Martin von Zimmermann, Dorota Koziej, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Real space texture and pole figure analysis using the three-dimensional pair distribution function on a platinum thin film". IUCrJ . 9 p. 594-603 Sep 2022 download doi
- Sandra H. Skjaervoe, Martin A. Karlsen, Riccardo Comin, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Refining perovskite structures to pair distribution function data using collective Glazer modes as a basis". IUCrJ . 9 p. 705-712 09 2022 download doi
- Ling Lan, Chia-Hao Liu, Qiang Du, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Robustness test of the spacegroupMining model for determining space groups from atomic pair distribution function data". Journal of Applied Crystallography . 55 p. 626-630 Jun 2022 download doi
- H. Rijckaert, M. Malmivirta, N. Gauquelin, S. Banerjee, S. J. L. Billinge, H. Huhtinen, S. Bals, P. Paturi, K. De Buysser, and I. Van Driessche. "Superconducting {HfO$_2$}-added {YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_7$} Nanocomposite Films: The Effect of Nanocrystal Morphology on Pinning Mechanism". Superconductor Science and Technology. . Jun 2022 download doi
- Hongyao Xie, Emil S. Bozin, Zhi Li, Milinda Abeykoon, Soham Banerjee, James P. Male, G. Jeffrey Snyder, Christopher Wolverton, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Mercouri G. Kanatzidis. "Hidden Local Symmetry Breaking in Silver Diamondoid Compounds is Root Cause of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity". Advanced Materials . Jun 2022 download doi
- Xin-Gang Zhao, Oleksandr I. Malyi, Simon J.L. Billinge, and Alex Zunger. "Intrinsic local symmetry breaking in the nominally cubic paraelectric phase of {BaTiO$_3$}". Phys. Rev. B . 105 p. 224108 Jun 2022 download doi
- Zachary Thatcher, Chia-Hao Liu, Long Yang, Brennan C. McBride, Gia Thinh Tran, Allison Wustrow, Martin A. Karlsen, James R. Neilson, Dorthe B. Ravnsbæk, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "{nmfMapping}: a cloud-based web application for non-negative matrix factorization of powder diffraction and pair distribution function datasets". Acta Crystallographica Section A . 73 p. 242-248 May 2022 download doi
- Allison Wustrow, Matthew J. McDermott, Daniel O'Nolan, Chia-Hao Liu, Gia Thinh Tran, Brennan C. McBride, Simon Vornholt, Chao Feng, Shyam S. Dwaraknath, Karena W. Chapman, Simon J. L. Billinge, Wenhao Sun, Kristin A. Persson, and James R. Neilson. "Reaction Selectivity in Cometathesis: Yttrium Manganese Oxides". Chemistry of Materials . 34 p. 4694–4702 May 2022 download doi
- Kamal Choudhary, Brian DeCost, Chi Chen, Anubhav Jain, Francesca Tavazza, Ryan Cohn, Cheol WooPark, Alok Choudhary, Ankit Agrawal, Simon J. L. Billinge, Elizabeth Holm, Shyue Ping Ong, and Chris Wolverton. "Recent Advances and Applications of Deep Learning Methods in Materials Science". npj Comput Mater . 8 p. 59 Apr 2022 download doi
- Hongyao Xie, Emil S. Bozin, Zhi Li, Milinda Abeykoon, Soham Banerjee, James P. Male, G. Jeffrey Snyder, Christopher Wolverton, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Mercouri G. Kanatzidis. "Hidden Local Symmetry Breaking in Silver Diamondoid Compounds is Root Cause of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity". Advanced Materials . Apr 2022 download doi
- Adam H. Slavney, Hong Ki Kim, Songsheng Tao, Mengtan Liu, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Jarad A. Mason. "Liquid and Glass Phases of Alkylguanidinium Sulfonate Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework". J. American Chemical Society . 144 p. 11064–11068 Feb 2022 download doi
- Maxwell W. Terban, Leillah Madhau, Aurora J. Cruz-Cabeza, Peter O. Okeyo, Martin Etter, Armin Schulz, Jukka Rantanen, Robert E. Dinnebier, Simon J. L. Billinge, Mariarosa Moneghini, and Dritan Hasa. "Controlling desolvation through polymer-assisted grinding". crystEngComm . 24 p. 2305-2313 Feb 2022 download doi
- Ellie Bennett, Matthew W. Greenberg, Abraham J. Jordan, Leslie S. Hamachi, Soham Banerjee, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Jonathan S. Owen. "Size dependent optical properties and structure of ZnS nanocrystals prepared from a library of thioureas". Chem. Mater. . 34 p. 706–717 Jan 2022 download doi
- Ran Gu, Qiang Du, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "A fast two-stage algorithm for non-negative matrix factorization in smoothly varying data". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering . Jan 2022 download doi
- Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, Esther Rani Aluri, Enrique Sanchez Perez, Gavin B. M. Vaughan, Marco Di Michiel, Eleanor J. Schofield, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Serena A. Cussen. "Location and characterization of heterogeneous phases within {Mary Rose} wood". Matter . 4 p. 1--12 Dec 2021 download doi
- Christopher ``CJ" Wright, Songsheng Tao, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "SHED: Streaming Heterogeneous Event Data Tracking with Provenance". J. Open Source Software . Tbd 2021 download doi
- Allison Wustrow, Guanglong Huang, Matthew J. McDermott, Daniel O'Nolan, Chia-Hao Liu, Gia Thinh Tran, Brennan C. McBride, Shyam S. Dwaraknath, Karena W. Chapman, Simon J. L. Billinge, Kristin A. Persson, Katsuyo Thornton, and James R. Neilson. "Lowering Ternary Oxide Synthesis Temperatures by Solid State Cometathesis Reactions". J. Amer. Chem. Soc. . 33 p. 3692–3701 Tbd 2021 download doi
- Xin-Gang Zhao, Oleksandr I. Malyi, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Alex Zunger. "Intrinsic local symmetry breaking in the nominally cubic paraelectric phase of {BaTiO$_3$}". Phys. Rev. Lett. . Tbd 2021 download doi
- James A. Kaduk, Simon J. L. Billinge, R. E. Dinnebier, Nathan Henderson, Ian Madsen, Radovan \v{C}ern\'y, Matteo Leoni, Luca Lutterotti, and Seema Thakral. "Powder Diffraction". Nature Reviews Methods Primer . 1 p. 77 Nov 2021 download doi
- Simon J. L. Billinge, Sandra H. Skjaervoe, Maxwell W. Terban, Songsheng Tao, Long Yang, Yevgeny Rakita, and Benjamin A. Frandsen. "Local structure determination using total scattering data". Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry III. Oct 2021 download doi
- Eric A. Stach, Brian DeCost, A. Gilad Kusne, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Keith A. Brown, Kristofer G. Reyes, Joshua Schrier, Simon J. L. Billinge, Tonio Buonassisi, Ian Foster, Carla P. Gomes, John M. Gregoire, Apurva Mehta, Joseph Montoya, Elsa Olivetti, Chiwoo Park, Eli Rotenberg, Semion K. Saikin, Sylvia Smullin, Valentin Stanev, and Benji Maruyama. "Autonomous experimentation systems for materials development: A community perspective". Matter . 4 p. 2702-2726 July 2021 download doi
- R. J. Koch, R. Sinclair, M. T. McDonnell, R. Yu, M. Abeykoon, M. G. Tucker, A. M. Tsvelik, S. J. L. Billinge, H. D. Zhou, W.-G. Yin, and E. S. Bozin. "Dual Orbital Degeneracy Lifting in a Strongly Correlated Electron System". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 126 p. 186402 May 2021 download doi
- Chia-Hao Liu, Christopher J. Wright, Ran Gu, Sasaank Bandi, Allison Wustrow, Paul K. Todd, Daniel O'Nolan, Michelle L. Beauvais, James R. Neilson, Peter J. Chupas, Karena W. Chapman, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Validation of non-negative matrix factorization for rapid assessment of large sets of atomic pair-distribution function (PDF) data". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 54 p. 768-775 May 2021 download doi
- Christopher J. ``CJ" Wright, Eric Dooryhee, Lucas A. Pressley, W. Adam Phelan, Peter G. Khalifah, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Towards In Situ Synchrotron Mapping of Crystal Selection Processes During Crystal Growth". Chem. Mater. . 33 p. 3359-3367 Apr 2021 download doi
- Jingjing Yang, Jake C. Russell, Songsheng Tao, Martina Lessio, Feifan Wang, Alaina C. Hartnett, Samuel R. Peurifoy, Evan A. Doud, Evan S. O'Brien, Natalia Gadjieva, David R. Reichman, Xiaoyang Zhu, Andrew C. Crowther, Simon J. L. Billinge, Xavier Roy, Michael L. Steigerwald, and Colin Nuckolls. "Superatomic Solid Solutions". Nature Chem. . 13 p. 607–613 Apr 2021 download doi
- Yanan Hao, Zunpeng Feng, Soham Banerjee, Xiaohui Wang, Simon J. L. Billinge, Jiesu Wang, Kuijuan Jin, Ke Bi, and Longtu Li. "Ferroelectric State and Polarization Switching Behaviour of Ultrafine {BaTiO$_3$} Nanoparticles with Large-Scale Size Uniformity". J. Mater. Chem. C . 9 p. 5267-5276 Mar 2021 download doi
- Nathan Nakamura, Laisuo Su, Han Wang, Noam Bernstein, Shikhar Krishn Jha, Elizabeth Culbertson, Haiyan Wang, Simon J. L. Billinge, C. Stephen Hellberg, and B. Reeja-Jayan. "Linking Far-from-Equilibrium Defect Structures in Ceramics to Electromagnetic Driving Forces". J. Mater. Chem. A . 9 p. 8425-8434 Mar 2021 download doi
- Jeremy L. Hitt, Yuguang C. Li, Songsheng Tao, Zhifei Yan, Yue Gao, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Thomas E. Mallouk. "A High Throughput Optical Method for Studying Composition Effects in Electrochemical {CO$_2$} Reduction Catalysts". Nature Commun. . 12 p. 1114 Feb 2021 download doi
- Mengtan Liu, Ryan D. McGillicuddy, Hung Vuong, Songsheng Tao, Adam H. Slavney, Miguel I. Gonzalez, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Jarad A. Mason. "Network-Forming Liquids from Metal–Bis(acetamide) Frameworks with Low Melting Temperatures". J. Amer. Chem. Soc. . 143 p. 2801-2811 Feb 2021 download doi
- Henrik L. Andersen, Benjamin A. Frandsen, Haraldur P. Gunnlaugsson, Mads R. V. Jørgensen, Simon J. L. Billinge, Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, and Mogens Christensen. "Local and long-range atomic/magnetic structure of non-stoichiometric spinel iron oxide nanocrystallites". IUCrJ . 8 p. 2052-2525 Jan 2021 download doi
- A. Altomare, and S. J. L. Billinge. "Modern crystallography and its foundations". Acta Crystallogr. A . 77 p. 1 Jan 2021 download doi
- Long Yang, Elizabeth A. Culbertson, Nancy K. Thomas, Hung T. Vuong, Emil T. S. Kj{\ae}r, Kirsten M. {\O}. Jensen, Matthew G. Tucker, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "A cloud platform for atomic pair distribution function analysis: {PDF}itc". Acta Crystallogr. A . 77 p. 2-6 Jan 2021 download doi
- Zhi Wang, Xin-Gang Zhao, Robert Koch, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Alex Zunger. "Understanding electronic peculiarities in tetragonal {FeSe} as local structural symmetry breaking". Phys. Rev. B . 102 p. 235121 Dec 2020 download doi
- Long Yang, Robert J. Koch, Hong Zheng, John F. Mitchell, Weiguo Yin, Matthew G. Tucker, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Emil S. Bozin. "Two-orbital degeneracy lifted local precursor to a metal-insulator transition in {MgTi$_2$O$_4$}". Phys. Rev. B . 102 p. 235128 Dec 2020 download doi
- Liu, Chia-Hao, Janke, Eric M., Ruipen, Li, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Gang, Oleg, Talapin, Dimitri V., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "sasPDF: pair distribution function analysis of nanoparticle assemblies from small-angle-scattering data". J. Appl. Cryst. . 53 p. 699-709 Nov 2020 download doi
- Rakita, Yevgeny, O'Nolan, Daniel, McAuliffe, Rebecca, Veith, Gabriel, Chupas, Peter, Billinge, Simon, and Chapman, Karena. "Active Reaction Control of Cu Redox State Based on Real-Time Feedback from {\it in situ} Synchrotron Measurements". J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 142 p. 18758–18762 Nov 2020 download doi
- Yue Cao, Tadesse Assefa, Soham Banerjee, Andrew Wieteska, Dennis Wang, Abhay Pasupathy, Xiao Tong, Yu Liu, Wenjian Lu, Yu-Ping Sun, Yan He, Xiaojing Huang, Hanfei Yan, Yong S. Chu, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Ian K. Robinson. "Complete Strain Mapping of Nanosheets of Transition Metal Chalcogenides". ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. . 12 p. 43173-43179 Aug 2020 download doi
- Paul K. Todd, Allison Wustrow, Rebecca D. McAuliffe, Matthew J. McDermott, Gia Thinh Tran, Brennan C. McBride, Ethan D. Boeding, Daniel O'Nolan, Chia-Hao Liu, Shyam S. Dwaraknath, Karena W. Chapman, Simon J. L. Billinge, Kristin A. Persson, Ashfia Huq, Gabriel M. Veith, and James R. Neilson. "Defect-accommodating intermediates yield selective low-temperature synthesis of {YMnO$_3$} polymorphs". Inorg. Chem. . 59 p. 13639–13650 Aug 2020 download doi
- Andy S. Anker, Emil T. S. Kjaer, Erik B. Dam, Simon J. L. Billinge, Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, and Raghavendra Selvan. "Characterising the atomic structure of mono-metallic nanoparticles from x-ray scattering data using conditional generative models". KDD . Jul 2020 download doi
- Daniel O'Nolan, Guanglong Huang, Gabrielle E. Kamm, Antonin Grenier, Chia-Hao Liu, Paul Todd, Allison Wustrow, Gia Thinh Tran, David Montiel, James R. Neilson, Simon J. L. Billinge, Peter J. Chupas, Katsuyo S. Thornton, and Karena W. Chapman. "A thermal-gradient approach to variable-temperature measurements resolved in space". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 81 p. 39-55 May 2020 download doi
- Yang, Long, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Terban, Maxwell W., Tucker, Matthew G., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Structure-mining: screening structure models by automated fitting to the atomic pair distribution function over large numbers of models". Acta Crystallogr. A . 76 p. 395-409 May 2020 download doi
- Terban, Maxwell, Russo, Luca, Pham, Tran, Barich, Dewey, Sun, Yan, Burke, Matthew, Brum, Jeffrey, and Billinge, Simon. "Local structural effects due to micronization and amorphization on an HIV treatment active pharmaceutical ingredient". Molecular Pharmaceutics . 17 p. 2370-2389 April 2020 download doi
- Line Pouchard, Pavol Juhas, Gilchan Park, Huub Van Dam, Stuart I. Campbell, Eli Stavitski, Simon Billinge, and Christopher J. Wright. "Provenance infrastructure for multi-modal x-ray experiments and reproducible analysis". Handbook on Big Data and Machine Learning in the Physical Sciences. p. 307-331 Singapore Mar 2020 download doi
- Tadesse A. Assefa, Yue Cao, Soham Banerjee, Sungwon Kim, Dongjin Kim, Heemin Lee, Sunam Kim, Jae Hyuk Lee, Sang-Youn Park, Intae Eom, Jaeku Park, Daewoog Nam, Sangsoo Kim, Sae Hwan Chun, Hyojung Hyun, Kyung Sook Kim, Pavol Juhas, Emil S. Bozin, Ming Lu, Changyong Song, Hyunjung Kim, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Ian K. Robinson. "Melt-front Dynamics in Polycrystalline Gold Thin Films". Science Adv. . 6 p. eaax2445 Jan 2020 download doi
- Banerjee, Soham, Liu, Chia-Hao, Jensen, Kirsten M. O., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Lee, Jennifer D., Ackerson, Christopher J., Murray, Christopher B., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Cluster-mining: An approach for determining core structures of metallic nanoparticles from atomic pair distribution function data". Acta Crystallogr. A . 76 p. 24-31 Jan 2020 download doi
- Simon J. L. Billinge. "21st century crystallography challenges: structure beyond crystals". IUCr newsletter. 27 p. 7 Dec 2019 download doi
- Dinnebier, Robert E., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Overview and principles of powder diffraction". International Tables of Crystallography. H p. 2-23 Chester, UK Dec 2019 download doi
- Sheng-Han Lo, Liang Feng, Kui Tan, Zhehao Huang, Shuai Yuan, Kun-Yu Wang, Bing-Han Li, Wan-Ling Liu, Gregory S. Day, Songsheng Tao, Chun-Chuen Yang, Tzuoo-Tsair Luo, Chia-Her Lin, Sue-Lein Wang, Simon J. L. Billinge, Kuang-Lieh Lu, Yves J. Chabal, Xiaodong Zou, and Hong-Cai Zhou. "Rapid desolvation-triggered domino lattice rearrangement in a metal–organic framework". Nature Chemistry . 12 p. 90-97 Dec 2019 download doi
- Elizabeth A. Morrow, Maxwell W. Terban, Joo Won Lee, Leonard C. Thomas, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Shelly J. Schmidt. "Investigation of thermal decomposition as a critical factor inhibiting cold crystallization in amorphous sucrose prepared by melt-quenching: Effect of amorphization method on the physicochemical properties of amorphous sucrose". J. Food Eng. . 261 p. 87-99 Nov 2019 download doi
- Aida Contreras-Ramirez, Songsheng Tao, Gregory S. Day, Vladimir I. Bakhmutov, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Hong-Cai Zhou. "Zirconium phosphate: the pathway from turbostratic disorder to crystallinity". Inorganic Chemistry . 58 p. 14260-14274 Oct 2019 download doi
- Banerjee, Soham, Zangiabadi, Amirali, Mahdavi-Shakib, Akbar, Husremovic, Samra, Frederick, Brian G., Barmak, Katayun, Austin, Rachel Narehood, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Quantitative structural characterization of catalytically active {TiO$_2$} nanoparticles". ACS Appl. Nano Mater. . 2 p. 6268-6276 Sep 2019 download doi
- Billinge, S. J. L.. "Nanometre-scale structure from powder diffraction: total scattering and atomic pair distribution function analysis". International Tables of Crystallography. H p. 649-672 Chester, UK Sep 2019 download doi
- Bozin, E. S., Yin, W. G., Koch, R. J., Abeykoon, M., Hor, Y. S., Zheng, H., Lei, H. C., Petrovic, C., Mitchell, J. F., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "Local orbital degeneracy lifting as a precursor to an orbital-selective Peierls transition". Nature Commun. . 10 p. 3638 Aug 2019 download doi
- Gu, Ran, Banerjee, Soham, Du, Qiang, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Algorithm for distance list extraction from pair distribution functions". Acta Crystallogr. A . 75 p. 658-668 Aug 2019 download doi
- Koch, R. J., Bozin, E. S., Petrovic, C., Zhu, Y., Abeykoon, M., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Room temperature local nematicity in an iron-selenide superconducing sample". Phys. Rev. B., Rapid Communications . 100 p. 020501(R) July 2019 download doi
- Sandra H. Skjærvø, Quintin N. Meier, Mikhail Feygenson, Nicola A. Spaldin, Simon J. L. Billinge, Emil S. Bozin, and Sverre M. Selbach. "Unconventional order-disorder phase transition in improper ferroelectric hexagonal manganites". Phys. Rev. X . 9 p. 031001 Jul 2019 download doi
- Liu, Chia-Hao, Tao, Yunzhe, Hsu, Daniel J., Du, Qiang, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Using a machine learning approach to determine the space group of a structure from the atomic pair distribution function". Acta Crystallogr. A . 75 p. 633-643 June 2019 download doi
- Xu Xiao, Hao Wang, Weizhai Bao, Patrick Urbankowski, Long Yang, Yao Yang, Kathleen Maleski, Linfan Cui, Simon J. L. Billinge, Guoxiu Wang, and Yury Gogotsi. "Two-dimensional arrays of transition metal nitride nanocrystals". Adv. Mater. . 31 p. 02393 June 2019 download doi
- Konstantinova, T., Wu, L., Abeykoon, M., Koch, R. J., Wang, A. F., Li, R. K., Shen, X., Li, J., Tao, J., Zaliznyak, I. A., Petrovic, C., Billinge, S. J. L., Wang, X. J., Bozin, E. S., and Zhu, Y.. "Photoinduced ultrafast dynamics of local nematicity and lattice distortions in {FeSe} crystals". Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communication. Editor's suggestion. . 99 p. 180102 May 2019 download doi
- Andy I. Nguyen, Kurt M. Van Allsburg, Maxwell W. Terban, Michal Bajdich, Julia Oktawiec, Jaruwan Amtawong, Micah S. Ziegler, James P. Dombrowski, K. V. Lakshmi, Walter S. Drisdell, Junko Yanoc, Simon J. L. Billinge, and T. Don Tilley. "Stabilization of reactive { Co$_{4}$O$_{4}$ } cubane oxygen-evolution catalysts within porous frameworks". PNAS . 116 p. 11630-11639 May 2019 download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L.. "The rise of the x-ray atomic pair distribution function method: a series of fortunate events". Philos T. Roy. Soc. A . 377 p. 20180413. April 2019 download doi
- Aydt, Alexander P., Qie, Boyu, Pinkard, Andrew, Yang, Long, Cheng, Qian, Billinge, Simon J. L., Yang, Yuan, and Roy, Xavier. "Microporous Battery Electrodes from Molecular Cluster Precursors". ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces . 11 p. 11292-11297 Mar 2019 download doi
- Xiao, Xu, Urbankowski, Patrick, Hantanasirisakul, Kanit, Yang, Yao, Sasaki, Stephen, Yang, Long, Chen, Chi, Wang, Hao, Miao, Ling, Tolbert, Sarah H., Billinge, Simon J. L., Abruna, Hector D., May, Steven J., and Gogotsi, Yury. "Scalable synthesis of ultrathin {Mn$_3$N$_2$} exhibiting room-temperature antiferromagnetism". Adv. Funct. Mater. . p. 1809001 March 2019 download doi
- Morrow, Elizabeth A., Terban, Maxwell W., Thomas, Leonard C., Gray, Danielle L., Bowman, Michael J., Billinge, Simon J. L., and Schmidt, Shelly J.. "Effect of amorphization method on the physicochemical properties of amorphous sucrose". J. Food Eng. . 243 p. 125-141 Feb 2019 download doi
- Shi, Chenyang, Beecher, Alexander N., Li, Yan, Owen, Jonathan S., Leu, Bogdan M., Said, Ayman H., Hu, Michael Y., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Size-dependent lattice dynamics of atomically precise cadmium selenide quantum dots". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 122 p. 026101 Jan 2019 download doi
- Lombardi, Julien, Yang, Long, Pearsall, Frederick A., Farahmand, Nasim, Gai, Zheng, Billinge, Simon J. L., and O'Brien, Stephen. "Stoichiometric control over ferroic behavior in {Ba(Ti$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$)O$_3$} nanocrystals". Chem. Mater. . 31 p. 1318-1335 Jan 2019 download doi
- Rohani, Parham, Banerjee, Soham, Ashrafi-Asl, Souroush, Malekzadeh, Mohammad, Shahbazian-Yassar, Reza, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Swihart, Mark T.. "Synthesis and properties of boron-hyperdoped silicon nanoparticles". Adv. Funct. Mater. . p. 1807788 Jan 2019 download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L., Duxbury, Philip M., Gonçalves, Douglas S., Lavor, Carlile, and Mucherino, Antonio. "Recent results on assigned and unassigned distance geometry with applications to protein molecules and nanostructures". Ann. Oper. Res. . 271 p. 161–203 Dec 2018 download doi
- Guguchia, Z., Kerelsky, A., Edelberg, D., Banerjee, S., Rohr, F. von, Scullion, D., Augustin, M., Scully, M., Shermadini, Z., Luetkens, H., Shengelaya, A., Baines, C., Morenzoni, E., Amato, A., Hone, J. C., Khasanov, R., Billinge, S. J. L., Santos, E., Pasupathy, A. N., and Uemura, Y. J.. "Magnetism in Semiconducting Molybdenum Dichalcogenides". Science Advances . 4 p. eaat3672 Dec 2018 download doi
- Transue, Wesley J., Nava, Matthew, Terban, Maxwell W., Yang, Jing, Greenberg, Matthew W., Wu, Gang, Mustoe, Chantal L., Kennepohl, Pierre, Owen, Jonathan S., Billinge, Simon J. L., Kulik, Heather J., and Cummins, Christopher C.. "Anthracene as a launchpad for a phosphinidene sulfide and for generation of a phosphorus–sulfur material having the composition {P$_2$S}, a vulcanized red phosphorus that is yellow". J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 141 p. 431--440 Dec 2018 download doi
- Banerjee, Soham, Liu, Chia-Hao, Lee, Jennifer D., Kovyakh, Anton, Grasmik, Viktoria, Prymak, Oleg, Koenigsmann, Christopher, Liu, Haiqing, Wang, Lei, Abeykoon, A. M. Milinda, Wong, Stanislaus S., Epple, Matthias, Murray, Christopher B., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Improved models for metallic nanoparticle cores from atomic pair distribution function ({PDF}) analysis". J. Phys. Chem. C . 122 p. 29498-29506 Nov 2018 download doi
- Yu, Runze, Bozin, Emil S., Abeykoon, Milinda, Sangiorgio, Boris, Spaldin, Nicola A., Malliakas, Christos D., Kanatzidis, Mercouri G., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Emphanitic anharmonicity in {PbSe} at high temperature and the anomalous electronic properties in the {PbX (X=S, Se, Te)} system". Phys. Rev. B . 98 p. 144108 Oct 2018 download doi
- Li, Yuguang C., Melenbrink, Elizabeth L., Cordonier, Guy J., Boggs, Christopher, Khan, Anupama, Isaac, Morko Kwembur, Nkhonjera, Lameck Kabambalika, Bahati, David, Billinge, Simon J., Haile, Sossina M., Kreuter, Rodney A., Crable, Robert M., and Mallouk, Thomas E.. "An easily fabricated low-cost potentiostat coupled with user- friendly software for introducing students to electrochemical reactions and electroanalytical techniques". J. Chem. Educ. . 95 p. 1658-1661 Sep 2018 download doi
- Brodsky, Casey N., Bediako, D. Kwabena, Shi, Chenyang, Keane, Thomas, Costentin, Cyrille, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Nocera, Daniel G.. "Proton-electron conductivity in thin films of a cobalt-oxygen evolving catalyst". ACS Appl. Energy Mater. . 2 p. 3-12 Aug 2018 download doi
- Juhás, Pavol, Louwen, Jaap N., van Eijck, Lambert, Vogt, Eelco T. C., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "{\it PDFgetN3}: atomic pair distribution functions from neutron powder diffraction data using {\it ad~hoc} corrections". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 51 p. 1492--1497 Aug 2018 download doi
- Sangiorgio, Boris, Bozin, Emil S., Malliakas, Christos D., Fechner, Michael, Simonov, Arkadiy, Kanatzidis, Mercouri G., Billinge, Simon J. L., Spaldin, Nicola A., and Weber, Thomas. "Correlated local dipoles in {PbTe}". Phys. Rev. Materials . 2 p. 085402 Aug 2018 download doi
- Shi, Chenyang, Billinge, Simon J. L., Puma, Eric, Bang, Sun Hwi, Bean, Nathaniel J. H., de Sugny, Jean-Claude, Gambee, Robert G., Haskell, Richard C., Hightower, Adrian, and Monson, Todd C.. "Barium titanate nanoparticles: short-range lattice distortions with long-range cubic order". Phys. Rev. B . 98 p. 085421 Aug 2018 download doi
- Rijckaert, Hannes, Roo, Jonathan De, Zele, Matthias Van, Banerjee, Soham, Huhtinen, Hannu, Paturi, Petriina, Bennewitz, Jan, Billinge, Simon J. L., Bäcker, Michael, Buysser, Klaartje De, and Driessche, Isabel Van. "Pair distribution function analysis of {ZrO$_2$} Nanocrystals and insights in the formation of {ZrO$_2$-YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_7$} nanocomposites". MDPI-Materials . 11 p. 1066 Jun 2018 download doi
- Gong, James, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Atomic pair distribution functions ({PDF}s) from textured polycrystalline samples: fundamentals". . May 2018 download doi
- Zhang, Boyuan, S\'{a}nchez, Ra\'{u}l H., Zhong, Yu, Ball, Melissa, Terban, Maxwell W., Paley, Daniel, Billinge, Simon J. L., Ng, Fay, Steigerwald, Michael L., and Nuckolls, Colin. "Hollow organic capsules assemble into cellular semiconductors". Nat. Commun. . 9 p. 1957 May 2018 download doi
- Bertolotti, Federica, Proppe, Andrew H., Dirin, Dmitry N., Liu, Mengxia, Voznyy, Oleksandr, Cervellino, Antonio, Billinge, Simon J. L., Kovalenko, Maksym V., Sargent, Edward H., Masciocchi, Norberto, and Guagliardi, Antonietta. "Ligand-induced symmetry breaking, size and morphology in colloidal lead sulfide {QD}s: from classic to thiourea precursors". Chem2 . 2 p. 1 Feb 2018 download doi
- Terban, Maxwell W., Banerjee, Debasis, Ghose, Sanjit, Medasani, Bharat, Shukla, Anil, Legg, Benjamin A., Zhou, Yufan, Zhu, Zihua, Sushko, Maria L., Yoreo, Jim J. De, Liu, Jun, Thallapally, Praveen K., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Early stage structural development of prototypical zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF) in solution". Nanoscale . 10 p. 4291--4300 Feb 2018 download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., Ross, Kathryn A., Krizan, Jason W., Nilsen, G{\o}ran J., Wildes, Andrew R., Cava, Robert J., Birgeneau, Robert J., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Real-space investigation of short-range magnetic correlations in fluoride pyrochlores {NaCaCo$_2$F$_7$} and {NaSrCo$_2$F$_7$} with magnetic pair distribution function analysis". Phys. Rev. Materials . 1 p. 074412 Dec 2017 download doi
- Laveda, Josefa Vidal, Johnston, Beth, Paterson, Gary W., Baker, Peter J., Tucker, Matthew G., Playford, Helen Y., Jensen, Kirsten M. Ø., Billinge, Simon J. L., and Corr, Serena A.. "Structure-property insights into nanostructured electrodes for {Li}-ion batteries from local structural and diffusional probes". J. Mater. Chem. A . 6 p. 127 Dec 2017 download doi
- Lewis, Crystal S., Moronta, Dominic, Terban, Maxwell W., Wang, Lei, Yue, Shiyu, Zhang, Cheng, Li, Qiang, Corrao, Adam, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Wong, Stanislaus S.. "Synthesis, characterization, and growth mechanism of motifs of ultrathin cobalt-substituted NaFeSi$_2$O$_6$ nanowires". CrystEngComm . 20 p. 223--236 Dec 2017 download doi
- Urbankowski, Patrick, Anasori, Babak, Hantanasirisakul, Kanit, Yang, Long, Zhang, Lihua, Haines, Bernard, May, Steven J., Billinge, Simon J. L., and Gogotsi, Yury. "{2D} molybdenum and vanadium nitrides synthesized by ammoniation of {2D} transition metal carbides ({MX}enes)". Nanoscale . 9 p. 17722-17730 Nov 2017 download doi
- Guguchia, Z., Adachi, T., Shermadini, Z., Ohgi, T., Chang, J., Bozin, E., Rohr, F. von, Santos, A. M. dos, Molaison, J. J., Koike, Y., Wieteska, A. R., Frandsen, B. A., Morenzoni, E., Amato, A., Billinge, S. J. L., Uemura, Y. J., and Khasanov, R.. "Pressure tuning of structure, superconductivity and novel magnetic order in the {Ce}-underdoped electron-doped cuprate {T$^{'}$-Pr$_{1.3-x}$La$_{0.7}$Ce$_x$CuO$_4$ ($x = 0.1$)}". Phys. Rev. B . 96 p. 094515 Sep 2017 download doi
- Nakamura, Nathan, Terban, Maxwell W., Billinge, Simon J. L., and Jayan, B. Reeja. "Unlocking the structure of mixed amorphous-crystalline ceramic oxide films synthesized under low temperature electromagnetic excitation". J. Mater. Chem. A . 5 p. 18434--18441 Aug 2017 download doi
- Stein, Jennifer L., Steimle, Molly I., Terban, Maxwell W., Petrone, Alessio, Billinge, Simon J. L., Li, Xiaosong, and Cossairt, Brandi M.. "Cation exchange induced transformation of {InP} magic-sized clusters". Chem. Mater. . 29 p. 7984--7992 Aug 2017 download doi
- Terban, Maxwell W., Shi, Chenyang, Silbernagel, Rita, Clearfield, Abraham, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Local environment of terbium(III) ions in layered nanocrystalline zirconium(IV) phosphonate–phosphate ion exchange materials". Inorg. Chem. . 56 p. 8837--8846 Jul 2017 download doi
- Bertolotti, Federica, Protesescu, Loredana, Kovalenko, Maksym V., Yakunin, Sergii, Cervellino, Antonio, Billinge, Simon J. L., Terban, Maxwell W., Pedersen, Jan Skov, Masciocchi, Norberto, and Guagliardi, Antonietta. "Coherent nanotwins and dynamic disorder in cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals". ACS Nano. . 11 p. 3819-3831 April 2017 download doi
- Gamez, Liliana, Terban, Maxwell W., Billinge, Simon J. L., and Martinez-Inesta, Maria. "Modelling and validation of particle size distributions of supported nanoparticles using the pair distribution function technique". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 50 p. 741--748 April 2017 download doi
- Li, Lijun, Deng, Xiaoyu, Wang, Zhen, Liu, Yu, Abeykoon, Milinda, Dooryhee, Eric, Tomic, Aleksandra, Huang, Yanan, Warren, John B., Bozin, Emil S., Billinge, Simon J. L., Sun, Yuping, Zhu, Yimei, Kotliar, Gabriel, and Petrovic, Cedomir. "Superconducting order from disorder in {2H-TaSe$_{2-x}$S$_x$}". npj Quantum Mater. . 2 p. 11 Feb 2017 download doi
- Guguchia, Z., Rohr, F. von, Shermadini, Z., Lee, A. T., Banerjee, S., Wieteska, A. R., Marianetti, C. A., Frandsen, B. A., Luetkens, H., Gong, Z., Cheung, S. C., Baines, C., Shengelaya, A., Taniashvili, G., Pasupathy, A. N., Morenzoni, E., Billinge, S. J. L., Amato, A., Cava, R. J., Khasanov, R., and Uemura, Y. J.. "Signatures of the topological {s$^{+-}$} superconducting order parameter in the type-II Weyl semimetal {T$_d$-MoTe$_2$}". Nat. Commun. . 8 p. 1082 Jan 2017 download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L., Duxbury, Philip M., Gonçalves, Douglas S., Lavor, Carlile, and Mucherino, Antonio. "Assigned and unassigned Distance Geometry: applications to Biological Molecules and Nanostructures". 4OR-Q J Oper Res . 14 p. 337--376 Dec 2016 download doi
- Guguchia, Z., Khasanov, R., Shengelaya, A., Pomjakushina, E., Billinge, S. J. L., Amato, A., Morenzoni, E., and Keller, H.. "Cooperative coupling of static magnetism and bulk superconductivity in the stripe phase of {La$_{2-x}$Ba$_x$CuO$_4$}: Pressure- and doping-dependent studies". Phys. Rev. B . 94 p. 214511 Dec 2016 download doi
- Dippel, Ann-Christin, Jensen, Kirsten M. {\O}., Tyrsted, Christoffer, Bremholm, Martin, Bøjesen, Espen D., Saha, Dipankar, Birgisson, Steinar, Christensen, Mogens, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Iversen, Bo B.. "Towards atomistic understanding of polymorphism in solvothermal synthesis of {ZrO$_2$} nanoparticles". Acta Crystallogr. A . 72 p. 645-650 Nov 2016 download doi
- Scardi, Paolo, Billinge, Simon J. L., Neder, Reinhard, and Cervellino, Antonio. "Celebrating 100 years of the {Debye} scattering equation". Acta Crystallogr. A . 72 p. 589-590 Nov 2016 download doi
- Beecher, Alexander N., Semonin, Octavi E., Skelton, Jonathan M., Frost, Jarvist M., Terban, Maxwell W., Zhai, Haowei, Alatas, Ahmet, Owen, Jonathan S., Walsh, Aron, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Direct observation of dynamic symmetry breaking above room temperature in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite". ACS Energy Lett. . 1 p. 880–887 Sep 2016 download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Physics inside: solving protein structures without crystals". Condensed Matter Physics Journal Club . September 2016 download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., Gong, Zizhou, Terban, Maxwell W., Banerjee, Soham, Chen, Bijuan, Jin, Changqing, Feygenson, Mikhail, Uemura, Yasutomo J., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Local atomic and magnetic structure of dilute magnetic semiconductor {(Ba,K)(Zn,Mn)$_2$As$_2$}". Phys. Rev. B . 94 p. 094102 Sep 2016 download doi
- Miao, Jianwei, Ercius, Peter, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Atomic electron tomography: 3D structures without crystals". Science . 353 p. aaf2157 Sep 2016 download doi
- Terban, Maxwell W., Dabbous, Rapha\"{e}l, Debellis, Anthony D., P\"{o}selt, Elmar, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Structures of hard phases in thermoplastic polyurethanes". Macromolecules . 49 p. 7350--7358 Sep 2016 download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., Liu, Lian, Cheung, Sky C., Guguchia, Zurab, Khasanov, Rustem, Morenzoni, Elvezio, Munsie, Timothy J. S., Hallas, Alannah M., Wilson, Murray N., Cai, Yipeng, Luke, Graeme M., Chen, Bijuan, Li, Wenmin, Jin, Changqing, Ding, Cui, Guo, Shengli, Ning, Fanlong, Ito, Takashi, Higemoto, Wataru, Billinge, Simon J. L., Sakamoto, Shoya, Fujimori, Atsushi, Murakami, Taito, Kageyama, Hiroshi, Alonso, Jose Antonio, Kotliar, Gabriel, Imada, Masatoshi, and Uemura, Yasuotomo J.. "Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic {Mott} insulating state through quantum tuning". Nat. Commun. . 7 p. 12519 Aug 2016 download doi
- Bozin, E. S., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "Novel trends in pair distribution function approaches on bulk systems with nanoscale heterogeneities". Neutron News . 27 p. 27--31 Jul 2016 download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Investigating short-range magnetic correlations in real space with the magnetic pair distribution function (m{PDF})". Neutron News . 27 p. 14--16 Jul 2016 download doi
- Jensen, Kirsten M. {\O}., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Tofanelli, Marcus A., Heinecke, Christine L., Vaughan, Gavin, Ackerson, Christopher J., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Polymorphism in magic sized {Au$_{144}$(SR)$_{60}$} clusters". Nat. Commun. . 7 p. 11859 Jun 2016 download doi
- Duxbury, P. M., Granlund, L., Gujarathi, S. R., Juh\'{a}s, P., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "The unassigned distance geometry problem". Discrete Applied Mathematics . 204 p. 117--132 May 2016 download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., Brunelli, Michela, Page, Katharine, Uemura, Yasutomo J., Staunton, Julie B., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Verification of Anderson Superexchange in MnO via Magnetic Pair Distribution Function Analysis and \textit{ab initio} Theory". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 116 p. 197204 May 2016 download doi
- Shatnawi, Mouath, Bozin, Emil S., Mitchell, J. F., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Non percolative nature of the metal-insulator transition and persistence of local Jahn-Teller distortions in the rhombohedral regime of La$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$MnO$_{3}$". Phys. Rev. B . 93 p. 165138 Apr 2016 download doi
- Choi, J., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "Perovskites at the nanoscale: from fundamentals to applications". Nanoscale . 8 p. 6206-6208 Mar 2016 download doi
- Duxbury, Philip M., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Graph rigidity, unassigned distance geometry and the nanostructure problem". Signals, Systems and Computers, 2016 50th Asilomar Conference. p. 1483--1487 Mar 2016 download doi
- Anasori, Babak, Shi, Chenyang, Moon, Eun Ju, Xie, Yu, Voigt, Cooper A., Kent, Paul R. C., May, Steven J., Billinge, Simon J. L., Barsoum, Michel W., and Gogotsi, Yury. "Control of electronic properties of {2D} carbides ({MX}enes) by manipulating their transition metal layers". Nanoscale Horiz. . 1 p. 227-234 Feb 2016 download doi
- Prill, Dragica, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Billinge, S. J. L., and Schmidt, Martin U.. "Towards solution and refinement of organic crystal structures by fitting to the atomic pair distribution function". Acta Crystallogr. A . 72 p. 62-72 Jan 2016 download doi
- Abeykoon, Milinda, Hu, Hefei, Wu, Lijun, Zhu, Yimei, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Calibration and data collection protocols for reliable lattice parameter values in electron pair distribution function studies". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 48 p. 244-251 (2015) download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L., and Miao, Jianwei. "Celebrating the past, looking to the future". Acta Crystallogr. A . 71 p. 1--2 (2015) download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Atomic pair distribution function: a revolution in the characterization of nanostructured pharmaceuticals". Nanomedicine . 10 p. 2473-2475 (2015) download doi
- Bozin, E. S., Zhong, R., Knox, K. R., Gu, G., Hill, J. P., Tranquada, J. M., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "Reconciliation of local and long-range tilt correlations in underdoped La$_{2-x}$Ba$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ ($0 \le x \le 0.155$)". Phys. Rev. B . 91 p. 054521 (2015) download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Magnetic structure determination from the magnetic pair distribution function {(mPDF)}: ground state of {MnO}". Acta Crystallogr. A . 71 p. 325--334 (2015) download doi
- Gary, Dylan C., Terban, Maxwell, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Cossairt, Brandi M.. "Two-step nucleation and growth of {InP} quantum dots via magic-sized cluster intermediates". Chem. Mater. . 27 p. 1432--1441 (2015) download doi
- Granlund, L., Billinge, S. J. L., and Duxbury, P. M.. "Algorithm for systematic peak extraction from atomic pair distribution functions". Acta Crystallogr. A . 71 p. 392--409 (2015) download doi
- Hudspeth, Jessica M., Chatterji, Tapan, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Kimber, Simon A. J.. "Unifying local and average structure in the phase change material {GeTe}". arXiv . (2015) download doi
- Huynh, Michael, Shi, Chenyang, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Nocera, Daniel. "Nature of activated manganese oxide for oxygen evolution". J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 137 p. 14887–14904 (2015) download doi
- Jensen, Kirsten M. \O., Blichfeld, Anders B., Bauers, Sage R., Wood, Suzannah R., Dooryhée, Eric, Johnson, David C., Iversen, Bo B., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Demonstration of thin film pair distribution function analysis ({tfPDF}) for the study of local structure in amorphous and crystalline thin films". IUCrJ. . 2 p. 481-489 (2015) download doi
- Jensen, Kirsten M. \O., Yang, Xiaohao, Laved, Josefa Vidal, Zeir, Wolfgang G., See, Kimberly A., DiMichiel, Marco, Melot, Brent C., Corr, Serena A., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "X-ray diffraction computed tomography for structural analysis of electrode materials in batteries". J. Electrochem. Soc. . 162 p. A1310-A1314 (2015) download doi
- Lendinez, S., Zarzuela, R., Tejada, J., Terban, M. W., Billinge, S. J. L., Espin, J., Imaz, I., Maspoch, D., and Chudnovsky, E. M.. "Resonant spin tunneling in randomly oriented nanospheres of {Mn} 12 acetate". Phys. Rev. B . 91 p. 024404 (2015) download doi
- Terban, Maxwell W., Cheung, Eugene Y., Krolikowski, Paul, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Recrystallization, phase composition, and local structure of amorphous lactose from the total scattering pair distribution function". Cryst. Growth Des. . 16 p. 210–220 (2015) download doi
- Tiano, Amanda L., Papaefthymiou, Georgia C., Lewis, Crystal S., Han, Jinkyu, Zhang, Cheng, Li, Qiang, Shi, Chenyang, Abeykoon, A. M. Milinda, Billinge, Simon J. L., Stach, Eric, Thomas, Justin, Guerrero, Kevin, Munayco, Pablo, Munayco, Jimmy, Scorzelli, Rosa B., Burnham, Philip, Viescas, Arthur J., and Wong, Stanislaus S.. "Correlating size and composition-dependent effects with magnetic, {M\"{o}ssbauer}, and pair distribution function measurements in a family of catalytically active ferrite nanoparticles". Chem. Mater. . 27 p. 3572-3592 (2015) download doi
- Wang, Kefeng, Wang, Aifeng, Tomic, A., Wang, Limin, Abeykoon, A. M. Milinda, Dooryhee, E., Billinge, S. J. L., and Petrovic, C.. "Enhanced thermoelectric power and electronic correlations in {RuSe$_2$}". APL Mat. . 3 p. 041513 (2015) download doi
- Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Farrow, Christopher L., Yang, Xiaohao, Knox, Kevin R., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Complex Modeling: a strategy and software program for combining multiple information sources to solve ill-posed structure and nanostructure inverse problems". Acta Crystallogr. A . 71 p. 562-568 Nov 2015 download doi
- Prill, Dragica, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Schmidt, Martin U., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Modeling pair distribution functions {(PDF)} of organic compounds: describing both intra- and intermolecular correlation functions in calculated {PDF}s". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 48 p. 171--178 Feb 2015 download doi
- Terban, Maxwell W., Johnson, Matthew, DiMichiel, Marco, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Detection and characterization of nanoparticles in suspension at low concentrations using the x-ray total scattering pair distribution function technique". Nanoscale . 7 p. 5480--5487 Feb 2015 download doi
- Gorelik, Tatiana E., Schmidt, Martin U., Kolb, Ute, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Total-Scattering Pair-Distribution-Function of Organic Material from Powder Electron Diffraction Data". Microsc. Microanal. . 21 p. 459 - 471 Jan 2015 download doi
- Beecher, Alexander N., Yang, Xiaohao, Palmer, Joshua H., LaGrassa, Alexandra L., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Owen, Jonathan S.. "Atomic structures and gram scale synthesis of three tetrahedral quantum dots". J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 136 p. 10645-10653 (2014) download doi
- Bo\v{z}in, E. S., Knox, K. R., Juh\'{a}s, P., Hor, Y. S., Mitchell, J. F., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "{Cu(Ir$_{1-x}$Cr$_x$)$_2$S$_4$}: a model system for studying nanoscale phase coexistence at the metal-insulator transition". Sci. Rep. . 4 p. 4081 (2014) download doi
- Bridges, F., Keiber, T., Juh\'{a}s, P., Billinge, S. J. L., Sutton, L., Wilde, J., and Kowach, G. R.. "Local vibrations and negative thermal expansion in {ZrW$_2$O$_8$}". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 112 p. 045505 (2014) download doi
- Choi, Joshua J., Yang, Xiaohao, Norman, Zachariah M., Billinge, Simon J. L., and Owen, Jonathan S.. "Structure of methylammonium lead iodide on mesoporous titanium dioxide: active material in high performance metal-organic solar cells". Nano Lett. . 14 p. 127–133 (2014) download doi
- Doan-Nguyen, Vicky V. T., Kimber, Simon A. J., Pontoni, Diego, Hickey, Danielle Reifsnyder, Diroll, Benjamin T., Yang, Xiaohao, Miglierini, Marcel, Murray, Christopher B., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Bulk metallic glass-like scattering signal in small metallic nanoparticles". ACS Nano. . 8 p. 6163-6170 (2014) download doi
- Farrow, Christoper L., Shi, Chenyang, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Peng, Xiaogang, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Robust structure and morphology parameters for {CdS} nanoparticles by combining small angle {X-ray} scattering and atomic pair distribution function data in a complex modeling framework". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 47 p. 561-565 (2014) download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., Yang, Xiaohao, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Magnetic pair distribution function analysis of local magnetic correlations". Acta Crystallogr. A . 70 p. 3--11 (2014) download doi
- Frandsen, Benjamin A., Bozin, Emil S., Hu, Hefei, Zhu, Yimei, Nozaki, Yasumasa, Kageyama, Hiroshi, Uemura, Yasutomo J., Yin, Wei-Guo, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Intra-unit-cell nematic charge order in the titanium-oxypnictide family of superconductors". Nat. Commun. . 5 p. 5761 (2014) download doi
- Ghidiu, Michael, Naguib, Michael, Shi, Chenyang, Mashtalir, Olha, Pan, Limei, Zhang, Bo, Yang, Jian, Gogotsi, Yury, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Barsoum, Michel W.. "Synthesis and charaterization of two-dimensional {Nb$_4$C$_3$} {(MXene)}". Chem. Commun. . 50 p. 9517-9520 (2014) download doi
- Hu, Hefei, Zhu, Yimei, Shi, Xiaoya, Li, Qiang, Zhong, Ruidan, Schneeloch, John A., Gu, Genda, Tranquada, John M., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Nanoscale coherent intergrowth-like defects in a crystal of made superconducting by high-pressure oxygen annealing {La$_{1.9}$Ca$_{1.1}$Cu$_{2}$O$_{6+\delta}$}". Phys. Rev. B . 90 p. 134518 (2014) download doi
- Jensen, Kirsten M. \O., Andersen, Henrik L., Tyrsted, Christoffer, Bojesen, Espen D., Dippel, Ann-Christin, Lock, Nina, Billinge, Simon J. L., Iversen, Bo B., and Christensen, Mogens. "Mechanisms for iron oxide formation under hydrothermal conditions: an in situ total scattering study". ACS Nano. . 8 p. 10704–10714 (2014) download doi
- Liu, Shuangyi, Akbashev, Andrew R., Yang, Xiaohao, Liu, Xiaohua, Li, Wanlu, Zhao, Lukas, Li, Xue, Couzis, Alexander, Han, Myung-Geun, Zhu, Yimei, Krusin-Elbaum, Lia, Li, Jackie, Huang, Limin, Billinge, Simon J. L., Spanier, Jonathan E., and O'Brien, Stephen. "Hollandites as a new class of multiferroics". Sci. Rep. . 4 p. 6203 (2014) download doi
- Shi, Chenyang, Beidaghi, Majid, Naguib, Michael, Mashtalir, Olha, Gogotsi, Yury, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Structure of nanocrystalline {Ti$_3$C$_2$} {MXene} using atomic pair distribution function". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 112 p. 125501 (2014) download doi
- Tyrsted, Christoffer, Lock, Nina, Jensen, Kirsten M. \O., Christensen, Mogens, Bøjesen, Espen D., Emerich, Hermann, Vaughan, Gavin, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Iversen, Bo B.. "Evolution of atomic structure during nanoparticle synthesis". IUCrJ. . 1 p. 165-171 (2014) download doi
- Yang, Xiaohao, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Farrow, Christopher, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "x{PDF}suite: an end-to-end software solution for high throughput pair distribution function transformation, visualization and analysis". arXiv . (2014) download doi
- Yang, Xiaohao, Juh\'{a}s, P., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "On the estimation of statistical uncertainties on powder diffraction and small-angle scattering data from two-dimensional X-ray detectors". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 47 p. 1273-1283 (2014) download doi
- Zhu, Mengqiang, Northrup, Paul, Shi, Chenyang, Billinge, Simon J. L., Sparks, Donald L., and Waychunas, Glenn A.. "The structure of sulfate adsorption complexes on ferrihydrite". Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. . 1 p. 97-101 (2014) download doi
- Knox, K. R., Bozin, E. S., Malliakas, C. D., Kanatzidis, M. G., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "Local off-centering symmetry breaking in the high temperature regime of {SnTe}". Phys. Rev. B . 89 p. 014102 Jan 2014 download doi
- Abeykoon, Milinda, Bozin, Emil S., Gu, Genda, Hill, John, Tranquada, John, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Evidence for short-range-ordered charge stripes far above the charge-ordering transition in {La$_{1.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$NiO$_4$}". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 111 p. 096404 (2013) download doi
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- Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Nanoparticle structures served up on a tray". Nature . 495 p. 453-454 (2013) download doi
- Davis, Timur, Johnson, Matthew, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Towards phase quantification at the nanoscale using the total scattering pair distribution function {(TSPDF)} method: recrystallization of cryomilled sulfamerazine". Cryst. Growth Des. . 13 p. 4239–4244 (2013) download doi
- Farrow, Christopher L., Bediako, D. Kwabena, Surendranath, Yogesh, Nocera, Daniel G., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Intermediate-range structure of self-assembled cobalt-based oxygen evolving catalysts". J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 135 p. 6403-6406 (2013) download doi
- Jacques, Simon D. M., Michiel, Marco Di, Kimber, Simon A. J., Yang, Xiaohao, Cernik, Robert J., Beale, Andrew M., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Pair distribution function computed tomography". Nat. Commun. . 4 p. 2536 (2013) download doi
- Juh\'{a}s, P., Davis, T., Farrow, C. L., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "{{PDFgetX3}: A rapid and highly automatable program for processing powder diffraction data into total scattering pair distribution functions}". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 46 p. 560-566 (2013) download doi
- Shi, Chenyang, Redmond, Erin L., Mazaheripour, Amir, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Fuller, Thomas F., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Evidence for anomalous bond softening and disorder below 2 nm diameter in carbon supported platinum nanoparticles from the temperature dependent peak width of the atomic pair distribution function". J. Phys. Chem. C . 117 p. 7226-7230 (2013) download doi
- Tian, P., Zhou, W., Liu, J., Shang, Y., Farrow, C. L., {Juh\'as}, P., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "{SrRietveld}: A program for automating {Rietveld} refinements for high throughput studies". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 46 p. 255-258 (2013) download doi
- Yang, Xiaohao, Masadeh, Ahmad S., McBride, James R., Bo\v{z}in, Emil S., Rosenthal, Sandra J., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Confirmation of disordered structure of ultrasmall {CdSe} nanoparticles from x-ray atomic pair distribution function analysis". Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. . 15 p. 8480-8486 (2013) download doi
- Knox, K. R., Abeykoon, A. M. M., Zheng, H., Yin, W. -G., Tsvelik, A. M., Mitchell, J. F., Billinge, S. J. L., and Bozin, E. S.. "Local structural evidence for strong electronic correlations in spinel {LiRh$_{2}$O$_{4}$}". Phys. Rev. B . 88 p. 174114 Nov 2013 download doi
- Bo\v{z}in, Emil S., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Local structure of bulk and nanocrystalline semiconductors using total scattering methods". Characterization of semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures. p. 229-257 Amsterdam Apr 2013 download doi
- Abeykoon, Milinda, Malliakas, Christos D., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Bo\v{z}in, Emil S., Kanatzidis, Mercouri G., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Quantitative nanostructure characterization using atomic pair distribution functions obtained from laboratory electron microscopes". Z. Kristallogr. . 227 p. 248-256 (2012) download doi
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- Jensen, Kirsten M. {\O}, Christensen, Mogens, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Tyrsted, Christoffer, B{\o}jesen, Espen D., Lock, Nina, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Iversen, Bo B.. "Revealing the mechanisms behind {SnO$_2$} nanoparticle formation and growth during hydrothermal synthesis: an in situ total scattering study". J. Am. Chem. Soc. . 134 p. 6785 - 6792 (2012) download doi
- Jensen, Kirsten M. {\O}., Bo\v{z}in, Emil S., Malliakas, Christos D., Stone, Matthew B., Lumsden, Mark D., Kanatzidis, Mercouri G., Shapiro, Stephen M., and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Lattice dynamics reveals a local symmetry breaking in the emergent dipole phase of {PbTe}". Phys. Rev. B . 86 p. 085313 (2012) download doi
- Redmond, Erin L., Setzler, Brian P., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Fuller, Thomas F.. "In-situ monitoring of particle growth at {PEMFC} cathode under accelerated cycling conditions". Electrochem. Solid St. . 15 p. B72-B74 (2012) download doi
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- Zhu, Mengqiang, Farrow, Christopher L., Post, Jeffrey E., Livi, Kenneth J. T., Billinge, Simon J. L., Ginder-Vogel, Matthew, and Sparks, Donald L.. "Structural study of biotic and abiotic poorly-crystalline manganese oxides using atomic pair distribution function analysis". Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. . 81 p. 39-55 (2012) download doi
- Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Hard x-ray lasers take their first steps towards nanostructure solution". Condensed Matter Physics Journal Club . (2011) download doi
- Booth, C. H., Bauer, E. D., Bo\v{z}in E. S., Billinge, S. J. L., and Walter, M. D.. "Pair-distribution function analysis of the structural valence transition in {Cp$_2$$^* $Yb($4,4$'-Me$_2$-bipy)}". J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. . 273 p. 012149 (2011) download doi
- Bo\v{z}in, E. S., Masadeh, A. S., Hor, Y. S., Mitchell, J. F., and Billinge, S. J. L.. "Detailed mapping of the local {Ir$^{4+}$} dimers through the metal-insulator transitions of {CuIr$_2$S$_4$} thiospinel by x-ray atomic pair distribution function measurements". Phys. Rev. Lett. . 106 p. 045501 (2011) download doi
- Cossairt, Brandi M., Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, Billinge, Simon J. L., and Owen, Jonathan S.. "Tuning the surface structure and optical properties of {CdSe} clusters using coordination chemistry". J. Phys. Chem. Lett. . 2 p. 3075-3080 (2011) download doi
- Dykhne, Timur, Taylor, Ryan, Florence, Alastair, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Data requirements for the reliable use of atomic pair distribution functions in amorphous pharmaceutical fingerprinting". Pharmaceut. Res. . 28 p. 1041--1048 (2011) download doi
- Farrow, Christopher L., Shaw, Margaret, Kim, Hyun-Jeong, Juh\'{a}s, Pavol, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "The {Nyquist-Shannon} sampling theorem and the atomic pair distribution function". Phys. Rev. B . 84 p. 134105 (2011) download doi
- Hu, Rongwei, Lei, Hechang, Abeykoon, Milinda, Bozin, Emil S., Billinge, Simon J. L., Warren, J. B., Siegrist, Theo, and Petrovic, C.. "Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetism of {beta-Fe$_{1.00(2)}$Se$_{1.00(3)}$} single crystals". Phys. Rev. B . 83 p. 224502 (2011) download doi
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- Malavasi, Lorenzo, Artioli, Gianluca A., Kim, Hyunjeong, Maroni, Beatrice, Joseph, Boby, Ren, Yang, Proffen, Thomas, and Billinge, Simon J. L.. "Local structural investigation of {SmFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$} high temperature superconductors". J. Phys: Condens. Mat. . 23 p. 272201 (2011) download doi
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