About Us
Our group focuses on developing methodologies for solving the ‘nanostructure problem‘: determining the structure of materials at the atomic scale to help understand structure-synthesis-property relationships in complex and functional materials . We develop and utilize experimental procedures at high flux x-ray and neutron producing facilities coupled with software and workflow solutions for complex modeling and high throughput structural analysis, solution, and prediction at the nanoscale. We apply these tools toward amorphous and nanostructured pharmaceuticals and molecular materials, nanoscale fluctuations in exotic electronic materials, nanostructured materials for energy and environmental remediation, among many other topics.
- Read Prof. Billinge's thoughts on crystallography in the 21st Century in this recent IUCr Newsletter article:\ Dec 21 2019
- Christpher took part in the Foundations of Reseach Computing's first Software Carpentry Workshp as an instructure August 27 2018
- Christpher joins the Foundations of Research Computing Advisory Committe to advance their mission of helping Columbia University graduate students to develop fundamental skills for harnessing computation. July 30 2018
- Justin Calamari won a position with Google Summer of Code for the Summer April 23 2018
- Christpher was elected to become a Conda-Forge core developer March 2 2018
The Billinge Group is involved in a large number of computational and experimental projects. Please visit the projects page for more information!Who are we?

Prof. Simon J. L. Billinge
- Position: Professor
Prof. Qiang Du
- Position: Professor

Dr. Sandra H. Skjaervoe
- Position: Post-doctoral scholar

Estefania Bohorquez
- Position: Graduate research assistant

Ling Lan
- Position: Graduate research assistant

Songsheng Tao
- Position: Graduate research assistant

Ruining Zhang
- Position: Graduate research assistant

Chloƫ Bullard
- Position: Masters researcher

Kayla Kim
- Position: Masters researcher

Berrak Ozer
- Position: Masters research assistant

Jaylah Easter
- Position: Undergraduate researcher

Jaylyn C. Umana
- Position: Undergraduate research assistant

Sara Frank
- Position: Visiting researcher, u. aarhus

Jack Griffiths
- Position: Post doctoral scholar

Dominic Peters
- Position: Summer research fellow