
Christopher grew up in Rockville Centre, New York. He attended Brown University where he earned a BS with honors in Chemical Physics. He worked with Prof. Shouheng Sun on electrochemical CO2 reduction and the structural dynamics of nanoparticles. After working at Brookhaven National Laboratory as a summer intern, he attended the University of South Carolina, working with Prof. Xiao-Dong Zhou on the atomic structure of solid oxide fuel cell components and earned a masters in Chemical Engineering. He joined the Billinge Group in 2016 and is currently working on analysis pipelines, data processing techniques and simulation software for PDF. Christopher is also a core developer for the conda-forge packaging ecosystem, president of Columbia qSTEM and sits on the Columbia Foundations for Research Computing advisory board. In his free time Christopher develops for open source projects, plays woodwind instruments, enjoys good scotch and works out by playing squash.
Education & Employment
Lab 49
New York, NY, 2019 - presentColumbia University
PhD in Materials Science
New York, NY, 2017 - 2019- Advisor: Simon J.L. Billinge
- Thesis: Towards Real Time Characterization of Grain Growth From the Melt
Columbia University
Graduate Research Assistant
New York, NY, 2016 - 2019Columbia University
MS in Materials Science
New York, NY, 2016 - 2017National Synchrotron Light Source-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Visiting Student
Upton, NY, 2015 - 2015- pyIID: The Python Infinite Improbability Drive, Monte Carlo Searches of X-ray Scattering Derived Structures
National Synchrotron Light Source-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Software Engineer, SURP
Upton, NY, 2014 - 2014- pyXPD: prototype controls software for the x-ray powder diffraction beamline, 28-ID
University of Sourth Carolina
MS in Chemical Engineering
Columbia, SC, 2014 - 2014- Advisor: Xiao-Dong Zhou
- Thesis: Solving Atomic Structures using Statistical Mechanical Searches on X-ray Scattering Derived Potential Energy Surfaces
- Website:
Brown University
ScB in Chemical Physics with Honors
Providence, RI, 2010 - 2014- Advisor: Shouheng Sun
- Thesis: Solving Atomic Structures using Statistical Mechanical Searches on X-ray Scattering Derived Potential Energy Surfaces
National Synchrotron Light Source-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Intern
Upton, NY, 2012 - 2012- Structural refinement of CdSe Nanoparticles
University of South Carolina
Research Experience for Undergraduates Researcher
Columbia, SC, 2011 - 2011- Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 via Copper Nanoparticles
QSTEM Outreach Coordinator and Treasurer/Co-President
12 2016Enhanced Learning Experience lecturer: University of South Carolina
12 2016Electrochemical Society Student Chapter President: University of South Carolina
12 2015Science Fair Judge at Dutch Fork High School
12 2015Brown University Chemistry Department Undergraduate Group Co-Chair
12 2014Renewable Energy Presenter and Facility Tour Guide at the NSLS "Science Sunday" laboratory open house at Brookhaven National Laboratory
12 2014Brown-Yale CCI Presenter at the Brown Science Conference at the Vartan Gregorian Elementary School
12 2013Master of Ceremonies and Organizer Brown University "Chemistry: Believe it or Not" public chemistry demonstration
12 2013Chemistry STEM Panelist Brown University A Day on College Hill
12 2013Presenter Brown University "Night of Chemistry" public chemistry demonstration
12 2012Publications
- Christopher ``CJ" Wright, Songsheng Tao, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "SHED: Streaming Heterogeneous Event Data Tracking with Provenance". J. Open Source Software . Tbd 2021 download doi
- Chia-Hao Liu, Christopher J. Wright, Ran Gu, Sasaank Bandi, Allison Wustrow, Paul K. Todd, Daniel O'Nolan, Michelle L. Beauvais, James R. Neilson, Peter J. Chupas, Karena W. Chapman, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Validation of non-negative matrix factorization for rapid assessment of large sets of atomic pair-distribution function (PDF) data". J. Appl. Crystallogr. . 54 p. 768-775 May 2021 download doi
- Christopher J. ``CJ" Wright, Eric Dooryhee, Lucas A. Pressley, W. Adam Phelan, Peter G. Khalifah, and Simon J. L. Billinge. "Towards In Situ Synchrotron Mapping of Crystal Selection Processes During Crystal Growth". Chem. Mater. . 33 p. 3359-3367 Apr 2021 download doi
- Line Pouchard, Pavol Juhas, Gilchan Park, Huub Van Dam, Stuart I. Campbell, Eli Stavitski, Simon Billinge, and Christopher J. Wright. "Provenance infrastructure for multi-modal x-ray experiments and reproducible analysis". Handbook on Big Data and Machine Learning in the Physical Sciences. p. 307-331 Singapore Mar 2020 download doi
- Christopher J. Wright. "Towards Real Time Characterization of Grain Growth from the Melt". . Nov 2019
Electrochemical Society
Member, 2011 - 2016American Physical Society
Member, 2016 - presentAmerican Chemical Society
Member, 2009 - presentSkills
Programming Languages
- Expert: Python
- Intermediate: xonsh, Lua, BASH
- Intermediate: git
Markup Languages
- Expert: LaTeX, markdown
Specialized Software
- Expert: Linux, OS/2, NumPy, SciPy, MatPlotLib
- Intermediate: Mathematica, MATLAB, MongoDB
- Expert: Fit2D, pyFAI
- Intermediate: SPEC, TinyDB
- Expert: X-ray Powder Diffraction, X-ray Total Scattering, Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis, In-situ/In-operando X-ray Scattering
- Intermediate: Electrochemistry, Electron Microscopy