scanplans package¶
scanplans.beamtimehelper module¶
A class to print sample information and generate bluesky plan to target samples.
(bt: xpdacq.beamtime.Beamtime, pos_key: Tuple[str, str] = 'sample_x', 'sample_y')[source]¶ A class helping to tackle with tasks related to samples on a rack during the beam time.
- Attributes
- _bt
The instance storing meta data of the sample and plan
- _pos_key
The key for the position of samples. Default is the global variable POS_KEYS
(sample)[source]¶ A generator of message: move the sample to the beam spot according to sample position metadata.
- Parameters
- sample
The sample index or sample name key
Initiate a BeamtimeHelper. >>> bthelper = BeamtimeHelper(bt) Check the motors. >>> xpd_configuration[“x_controller”] >>> xpd_configuration[“y_controller”] Aim at the sample of index 0 in bt. >>> RE(bthelper.aim_at_sample(0)) Aim at the sample “Ni” in bt. >>> RE(bthelper.aim_at_sample(“Ni”))
(plan: Union[int, str]) → Generator[source]¶ Get the plan (message generator).
- Parameters
- plan
The plan index or plan name key
- Returns
- plan_gen
The plan message generator.
(sample: Union[int, str]) → dict[source]¶ Get metadata of a sample.
- Parameters
- sample
The sample index or sample name key
- Returns
- sample_meta
the meta data of a sample
scanplans.cryostat module¶
This script contains the plan for cryostat measurement. How to use it: (1) Download the script to userScript. (2) Run the script in ipython interface.
‘%run userScript/’
(3) Instantiate a python generator as the plan. Here is an example where the beamtime object is ‘bt’, the temperature controller is ‘cryostat_T’, the position controller is ‘ss_stage_x’ and the plan is to set temperature to 295 K and 300 K and take a single shot for two samples at each temperature. The samples are loaded at x-positions: 10 mm and 10.2 mm. Their corresponding index in bt is 1 and 2. The exposure time is 30 s and 60 s respectively.
‘plan = cryostat_plan(bt, cryostat_T, [295, 300], ss_stage_x, [10, 10.2], [1, 2], [30, 60])’
Let ‘xrun’ rxecute the plan.
‘xrun({}, plan)’
We don’t need to worry about the samples information because it will be added into metadata by this plan so the first positional argument of ‘xrun’ is given a empty dictionary.
(bt: object, temp_motor: object, temperatures: List[float], posi_motor: object, positions: List[float], samples: List[int], exposures: List[float], temp_to_power: dict = None)[source]¶ The scanplan of cryostat measurement.
- Parameters
- btbeamtime object
The beamtime object.
- temp_motormotor object
The controller of temperature.
- temperaturesList[float]
A list of temperature setpoints.
- posi_motormotor object
The controller of positions.
- positionsList[float]
A list of positions.
- samplesList[int]
A list of index of samples in bt.
- exposuresList[float]
A list of exposure time.
- temp_to_powerdict
A mapping from temperature range to power. The range is open at left and close at right. If None, default setting (see function ‘get_heater_range’) is used. Default None.
- Yields
- Message of the plan
scanplans.move_and_do module¶
Conduct the plans for the samples one by one.
(bt: xpdacq.beamtime.Beamtime, sps: List[Tuple[Union[int, str], Union[int, str, Generator]]], wait_times: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0, wait_at_first: bool = False, sample_x: str = 'sample_x', sample_y: str = 'sample_y', x_controller: str = 'x_controller', y_controller: str = 'y_controller') → List[Generator][source]¶ Move to the sample and conduct the bluesky plan on the sample one by one.
- Parameters
- btBeamtime
The beamtime object.
- spslist
A list of (sample index, plan index). The index is shown in the ‘bt.list()’.
- wait_timesfloat or list of float
The wait time for all the samples.
- wait_at_firstbool
Whether to wait before the plan is conducted for the first samples. If False, the plan will be conducted immediately to the first sample no matter how wait_time is set.
- sample_xstr
The key to the x position of the sample in the sample information. Default ‘sample_y’.
- sample_ystr
The key to the y position of the sample in the sample information. Default ‘sample_x’.
- x_controllerstr
The key to the x position controller in ~xpdacq.beamtime.xqd_configuration.
- y_controllerstr
The key to the x position controller in ~xpdacq.beamtime.xqd_configuration.
- Returns
- planslist
A list of the bluesky plans. Each plan is a generator.
scanplans.tramp2 module¶
An advanced temperature ramping plan.
(dets: list, exposure: float, Tstart: float, Tstop: float, Tstep: float, *, ramp_rate: float = None)[source]¶ A temperature ramping plan with ramping rate configuration.
The ramping rate will be configured before the ramping start. The ramping will be done continuously without holding temperature at exposure.
- Parameters
- detslist
A list of detectors. Dummy. Not used.
- exposurefloat
The exposure time in second.
- Tstartfloat
The start temperature in K (included).
- Tstopfloat
The stop temperature in K (incldued)
- Tstepfloat
The temperature step in K.
- ramp_ratefloat
The temperature ramping rate. Make sure the temperature controller has the velocity configuration.
- Yields
- Bluesky plan.