Source code for scanplans.cryostat

This script contains the plan for cryostat measurement. How to use it:
(1) Download the script to userScript.
(2) Run the script in ipython interface.

    '%run userScript/'

(3) Instantiate a python generator as the plan. Here is an example where the beamtime object is 'bt',
the temperature controller is 'cryostat_T', the position controller is 'ss_stage_x' and the plan is to set
temperature to 295 K and 300 K and take a single shot for two samples at each temperature. The samples are
loaded at x-positions: 10 mm and 10.2 mm. Their corresponding index in bt is 1 and 2. The exposure time is 30 s
and 60 s respectively.

    'plan = cryostat_plan(bt, cryostat_T, [295, 300], ss_stage_x, [10, 10.2], [1, 2], [30, 60])'

(4) Let 'xrun' rxecute the plan.

    'xrun({}, plan)'

    We don't need to worry about the samples information because it will be added into metadata by this plan so
    the first positional argument of 'xrun' is given a empty dictionary. """
import uuid
from typing import List

from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable
from bluesky.plan_stubs import mv, abs_set, checkpoint
from bluesky.plans import count
from bluesky.preprocessors import subs_wrapper
from xpdacq.beamtime import _configure_area_det
from xpdacq.xpdacq_conf import xpd_configuration

[docs]def cryostat_plan(bt: object, temp_motor: object, temperatures: List[float], posi_motor: object, positions: List[float], samples: List[int], exposures: List[float], temp_to_power: dict = None): """ The scanplan of cryostat measurement. Parameters ---------- bt : beamtime object The beamtime object. temp_motor : motor object The controller of temperature. temperatures : List[float] A list of temperature setpoints. posi_motor : motor object The controller of positions. positions : List[float] A list of positions. samples : List[int] A list of index of samples in bt. exposures : List[float] A list of exposure time. temp_to_power : dict A mapping from temperature range to power. The range is open at left and close at right. If None, default setting (see function 'get_heater_range') is used. Default None. Yields ------ Message of the plan """ samples = translate_to_sample(bt, samples) for temperature in temperatures: yield from set_power(temp_motor, temperature, temp_to_power) yield from checkpoint() yield from mv(temp_motor, temperature) yield from checkpoint() if not (len(positions) == len(samples) and len(samples) == len(exposures)): raise ValueError("Unmatched length of positions, samples and exposures: " f"{len(positions)}, {len(samples)}, {len(exposures)}.") for position, sample, exposure in zip(positions, samples, exposures): yield from mv(posi_motor, position) yield from checkpoint() yield from config_det_and_count([temp_motor, posi_motor], sample, exposure) yield from checkpoint()
def set_power(temp_motor: object, temperature: float, temp_to_power: dict = None): """ Set powder of heater according to the temperature. Parameters ---------- temp_motor : object The controller of temperature. temperature : float The temperature setpoint. temp_to_power : dict A mapping from temperature range to power. The range is open at left and close at right. If None, default setting (see function 'get_heater_range') is used. Default None. Yields ------- Message to set the heater range. """ heater_value = get_heater_range(temperature, temp_to_power) if hasattr(temp_motor, 'heater_range'): yield from abs_set(temp_motor.heater_range, heater_value) else: raise AttributeError(f"The temp_motor {} does not have attribute 'heater_range'.") def get_heater_range(temperature: float, temp_to_power: dict = None): """ Decide the heater range from the temperature. Parameters ---------- temperature : float The temperature setpoint. temp_to_power : dict A mapping from temperature range to power. The range is open at left and close at right. If None, default setting (see function 'get_heater_range') is used. Default None. Returns ------- heater_value The value of heater range. For cryostat, it is 1, 2, 3. """ default_setting = { (0., 30.): 1, (30., 100.): 2, (100., float("inf")): 3 } temp_to_power = temp_to_power if temp_to_power else default_setting for temp_range, heater_value in temp_to_power.items(): if temp_range[0] < temperature <= temp_range[1]: return heater_value else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot find the heater range setting for the temperature {temperature} K.') def config_det_and_count(motors: List[object], sample_md: dict, exposure: float): """ Take one reading from area detector with given exposure time and motors. Save the motor reading results in the start document. Parameters ---------- motors : List[float] A list of readable motors. sample_md The metadata of the sample. exposure The exposure time in seconds. Yields ------- Message to configure the detector and run the scan. """ # setting up area_detector _md = {} num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure = yield from _configure_area_det(exposure) area_det = xpd_configuration["area_det"] # update md _md.update(**sample_md) plan_md = { "sp_time_per_frame": acq_time, "sp_num_frames": num_frame, "sp_requested_exposure": exposure, "sp_computed_exposure": computed_exposure, "sp_type": "cryostat", "sp_uid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "sp_plan_name": "cryostat" } _md.update(**plan_md) motor_md = { dict( for motor in motors} _md.update(**motor_md) # yield plan dets = [area_det] + motors plan = count(dets, md=_md) plan = subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([])) yield from plan if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__)