Prepare for a Beamtime

Registration and Training

Please go to the BNL before-arrival guide, read the website, and complete the register and training according to the instructions.

Here is some information that you may need to know to fill in the registration form.

  • Proposal Number: your GU proposal number if you applied one otherwise ask Billinge group member for the PU proposal number. The PU number changes every 5 years.

  • Start date: based on our beamtime

  • End date: your expected graduation date for graduate students

  • Access requested: physical on-site access to BNL

  • Estimate days: Around 30-40 days in a two-year period

  • Subject code: General materials sciences

  • Visit justification: You will be conducting experiments with the billing group at Columbia university. Introducing your research if necessary.

  • Host first name: Sanjit

  • Host last name: Ghose

  • BNL department: Condensed matter physics and material science

  • Facility: NSLS2

  • Beamline: 28-ID XPD

  • Research type: Open research

Please go to the BNL arrival guide, read the website, and know what to do when you arrive at BNL.

Here is some information you need to know.

  • Building to go: NSLS-II (building 740)

  • Beamline location: Between Gate 741 and 742

Safety Approval Form

You need to have the safety approval form to be approved before coming to the beamline. This is usually prepared by the people in Billinge group. They will fill in the form according to your answer to the online google form in the “Beamtime Information” section.

Reserve Housing

Usually, you will stay at the on-site housing in BNL. Please go to the Housing Reservation to reserve the housing on-site.


If you take the train to Ronkonkoma and go to BNL from there, the best way is the daily shuttle bus. Please go to the Shuttle Bus Reservation to reserve the seat before coming to BNL.